2025 Feb | Blog Introduction
My old blog was written in WordPress and hosted on a Vultr server in Atlanta. Web access was always difficult, and WordPress was quite clunky. I tried my best to write some ML introduction articles, but none of them quite passed the tests of good writing. I felt embarrassed in my writing and could not show anyone my blog; then there was no point in writing anymore.
Eventually in 2022 I ended writing these articles, and along went my dead blog.
In the past years, I have messed around with quite a few web-based projects. I could bore you a bit with tech talk - at the moment it is safe to say I will stay away from them for a while.
Now I only had two websites going. This is my blog site and my professional profile for the industry and academia, though the memos only serve the purpose of jotting down memories. The other site sialia.tech, is my personal sandbox for experimenting, developing web apps and incorporating what I want to them. It has better flexibility but is not as robust as this site. It is also way more casual in this regard.
That’s enough geeky talk for you today. I will try to force myself to upload memos onto this site monthly or bi-weekly, depending on my well-being.